M bank sucks..
called for enquiries..
waited for around 20minutes still no respond..at all!!!
kept on saying:"our customer service line is busy..we'll get back to you very soon..please hold on.."
excuse me.. busy sleeping isn't?
P bank is far more efficient..
need not to wait for even 5minutes..
one more thing
M bank again
foreign fund transfer minimum amount RM250.00!?!?
erm.. if my friend only need RM50.00..how??
weird la wei..
means eventhough people need RM10.00 i also need to transfer RM250.00 to them??
erm.. allowance?? LAMEO
not to critigue
but i really going to burn down M bank
forced me to delayed payment to people..
so embarrasing...T.T
like RM100.00 also wanna owe them for so long..
duh!!!! "FIRE COME" - by princess sha -
11 years ago
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