its been weeks.. lost contact with friends
i wonder what they're doing?
busy? or even very free also never think of friends?
i've sent a message to one of my best friend about past 2weeks
till now i'm still waiting for her reply
i wonder if she's really that busy..or..she didn't receive my message
ofcourse if one day when we meet up these will be her reason..
i do not know why i always met with such friends
friendship for me is kinda important
but this doesn't mean that people will treat you the same
since the most appreciated one has left to oversea..
i think i don't have friends anymore
maybe they'll still contact you
but it will be when they heard of some rumors or they're totally bored!
i don't wanna be the one who always ask you guys out and yet it was like need to make appointment with stars!
one, need to get permission from her bf and she frequently wont reply messages and calls
another one, need to add 2hrs in advance so that she can be punctual!
next, she'll only contact friends through FB
last but not least, she's really a STAR..need to make appointment with her at least two weeks in advance!
sometimes they really fed me up!
but still i'll try not to think about it because we are FRIEND! they think the same? im not too sure..
well! FAMILY is more prefereable i guess! >.<
11 years ago
you still got us! =) sweet..thx..:)
count me in!! XD
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